Ever Inquisitive, Ever intrigued

"Ever engrossed in the meanderings we perceive.  Ever indulged in the simple and complex.  If only to comprehend, if only to reflect"

This warm felt greeting awoke me in the middle of the night many years ago.  I recall mumbling, recall thinking exactly as you are now.  "What in the World?"  Rubbing my eyes, grasping for paper and pen.  I was compelled to write it down.  Eventually finding my way back to slumber.  Upon the next day, sipping my morning coffee, I studied the previous nights interruption.  With much reflection, I found it almost perfectly insightful.  My Life's Mission Statement in a few sentences.

Over the years, others have asked, "How did you get your start?  Have you always been creative?"  To that I would respond, 

"I picked up a pencil at 8 years old and never really put it down."

My grandmother among countless others, were my support. My grandmother in particular, I have always considered my muse. She encouraged me, inspired me, pushed me into new and exciting mediums and classes, that quite honestly, I would have never attempted or had an opportunity as a child.

It seems like yesterday, she and I, would walk down the hallway, at the old house on Wood Street.  Perfectly placed in front of a watercolor. A watercolor that was painted of her, in her youth. She would say,

"You can do that too. You are just as capable as the artist. All you have to do is set your mind to it and try."

We did that on and off over the years. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of those moments and smile. She gave me a gift.  One that will remain with me for the remainder of my years.  I am quite grateful.  As far as the watercolor portrait of her. It now hangs on my wall next to countless pieces of my own artwork. 

Besides immediate family, there have been many influences throughout the years.  Monet, Manet, Seurat, Van Gogh, Cezanne, Degas, Pissaro to name a few. Impressionistic and Post-Impressionistic has always been a favorite. I have also found an appreciation for Picasso, Dali, Oleg Frolov, Leonid Afremov, and yes even Bob Ross and his Happy Little Clouds and Trees. To study different styles, different techniques, different artists is fun for me.  I can spend hours in a gallery or museum and just get lost in the brush strokes. 

For me, the aspiration of art is quite synonymous to the act of breathing. A necessity to co-exist in this crazy little world we find ourselves in. It provides a basis of both independence and interdependence. Without it, life would be devoid of any passion, creativity, and or imagination. Simply put, the act of art, performing art, intricately placing oil onto canvas, is more for myself than others. 

If others enjoy my work, then you will most likely find me smiling.  It is like a shared perspective.  One that can be the start of a beautiful conversation. 

What do I hope to achieve you might wonder?

Well It could be perceived as a chronicle of my own life.  Ideas that I have envisioned at one moment or another.  Navigating through my site, you will find, I have been intrigued by many different mediums and artists, but always found a way back to Oils. 

Currently I am only selling prints of my works.  If you would prefer an original, I am open to such conversations.  Simply reach out to me.

So if you see something you enjoy, a piece that inspires you, something you must have and cannot live without, by all means feel free to leverage the website shopping cart. 

If however you would prefer something new, something you did not see and would like to entertain a commissioned piece, as before please feel free to reach out.

Thank you and have a blessed day.


***All pieces displayed within this site are original.***